Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Feed Your Spirit with A Course in Miracles

Oprah has provided to us a 365 day program covering principles of A Course in Miracles. Daily exercises by Marianne Williamson are available at Oprah.com. The course started on January first, but you can go to the archives and start today. Visit it now: http://www.oprah.com/xm/mwilliamson/mwilliamson_archive.jhtml

Monday, February 18, 2008

What are Switchwords?

Switchwords are sort of like shorthand affirmations. They were created by James T. Mangan, who learned through practice that single words were the most powerful and direct way of training the subconscious mind. You can recite them in your head or out loud, and write them down on post-its as reminders.

For example, repeat the Switchword REACH to yourself over and over again if you are searching for something lost in your house, and you will be directed to the right location to find it. TOGETHER is a master Switchword that you can use for just about any situation. Combinations of Switchwords can be quite powerful.

If you haven't heard of them, give them a try. You can download a portion of the Switchwords ebook for free here: http://www.switchwords.com

Friday, February 15, 2008

Make New Beliefs

To reach your dreams, let go of the pains in your past. If you grip too tightly to the things that hurt you you can't grasp onto the the love and joy coming your way every day. We send you the love and joy each and every day and you only have to open your arms to take it. Each little thing you receive means you are on your way. The small make way to the bigger and soon you will be grasping the perfect home, perfect family, perfect life you desire. But first you have to let go of the sadness and bad things of the past.

Do this exercise: Think of a time recently when you felt hurt or sad or alone. Ask yourself what led to that feeling. A feeling is based on a belief that is formed from an event in your past. When you came into this world you had no beliefs as a human baby in this lifetime. You developed a set of beliefs after you experienced events in your life. You believed perhaps that mom and milk is good, for it takes away the pain in your belly. You learned that crying can bring mom and milk and love. Over time, you matured and developed new beliefs, but some you may have not dropped from your childhood. If you were punished for speaking out, you may still be carrying around with the you the belief that speaking out is bad. So you don't say what's on your mind and people believe that you don't care or don't have anything intelligent to say. If you were teased about being fat or thin or tall or short as you were growing up, you may still carry around the belief that you are not perfect. But believe me, you were born perfect and you are still perfect.

Drop the old beliefs now. Erase the events that created them. They are not likely to be relevant any more in your life so it is safe to erase them now. Let them all go. Empty you hands and your mind of the things that created the restricting beliefs.

When you have dropped as much as you can, start to write yourself a new set of beliefs. Write out all of the beliefs you wish to have. I am perfect. I am rich. I am loved. Make a list as big as your heart desires. Imagine someone you admire and the beliefs you think they must have. Think of Oprah or Richard Branson or someone, and list the beliefs that you think they have that you would like to have.

Once you have listed a new set of belifs, put a story around each. Create an event in your past, using your imagination, that supports the belief. Maybe it was praise from a parent or teacher or friend. Maybe you connected with God or an angel who told you you were loved. Visualize this event and make it vivid, with color, sound, light, and feelings. Make it a part of your history. Do this for each of the beliefs you would like to have, making it as vivid and as enjoyable as you can . Feel the excitement and joy surrounding these new events that lead to the new beliefs.

Write yourself a letter about the events. Write with pen and paper and make it real. You may date it in your past, like a page from your diary. These are now your memories, your events, your beliefs. Revisit these events and make them stronger. Do this every day for a month if possible. Make it a habit and continue, adding new events and beliefs that support the direction you want your life to take. Cut out pictures to add to your new life diary if you choose or make drawings. Fill in more and more details, inventing new people who support you in your life.

You will soon find that your life will begin to change and push you in the direction of your new beliefs. Look for proof. ask to get a call or email from someone who tells you you are great, and see if it doesn't happen. Know that you deserve all the good and positive things coming your way. If you start to worry about whether or not you deserve nice, things, create the belief that you do and create the past events to support the belief.

This exercise is full of imagination. Let yourself be like a child playing make believe, but make the vision and feelings strong. You will be amazed at the results.

Forgive and Let Go

Today I wrote a "Let Go Letter" (see link below in External Links post). I have written forgiveness letters before but I still had something stuck in me since I wrote 8 pages of the pain in my past that was still hiding inside of me. Apparently it started with my father hitting me at the dinner table when I was small and grew into a lifetime of fear and shame of lack of self-love and the inability to stand up for myself. At least that's what I wrote to myself in the letter. It's surprising how your consciousness can tie small events from your past together to show you what's holding you put pen to paper and write continuously. The story unfolded as I went on, remembering past pains.

When it was through, I put the letter down for 4 hours and then lit a fire in my bar-b-que. I re-read the letter and burned it page by page. I said a few words to my father, who had played a major role in the pain of my younger years and who is now passed and can never hurt his family again. And I forgave him.

I have a sense of peace now. Who knows what effect writing the letter will have, or if I will have to write another, but for now I have peace.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Take this day to remember the love you shared with family and lovers and friends and pets. Love does not diminish, but grows more as you give it. Give all the love you can today and feel it come back to you one million times stronger. Know it will. You are the light and the love. It is all available to you for the asking. Now is the time and it is your time.

I wish you Love now.


heart center exercise

The heart center (chakra) holds the essence of life When life is good and joyful, the heart sings and feels light. When life is sad and painful, the chest constricts and feels heavy. One leads to the other. Start from within and keep the light of the heart center glowing bright and outside influences will have less impact. Pain and darkness cannot penetrate the light.

Focus on your heart center. Feel the center of your chest warming and feel your chest expanding. Breathe deeply in light around and you and thank the sweet air that fills your lungs for the oxygen it brings into your body. Exhale out the tightness and tension. Expand your breath with each inhalation and feel more warmth coming in.

Bring into your mind a picture of something that makes you feel happy. It could be a loved one's hug or a picture of a pet. Maybe it is a beautiful sunset or a green forest. Bring in the picture and make it into a movie that is playing in your heart. Feel the happiness that it brings to you as if you are there in the moment now. Inhale it deeply into your chest and expand the feeling into your throat. Feel the flow enter your stomach and release any tightness you feel there. Let the warmth continue up your neck and up to your face. Focus on a spot in the center of your forehead and feel a warmth and expansion there. breathe deeply into your stomach area and let the warmth run down past your belly button and down into your legs. Feel it run out your feet and into the ground below. Focus inward on your forehead and feel the warmth travel up to the top of your head and then up into the sky.

Imagine the light from your feet and the light from your head curve toward each other to meet and form a curve, that comes back around and encircles your body, forming a bubble of warmth and light. Feel the warmth from this bubble filling up the space around you and warming everything around you. Keep breathing and expand the bubble around you until it fills the room. Expand it further until it fills the house and then expand it to fill your neighborhood. Expand again until you can see it encompassing the planet. Sit and think about your bubble of love feeling encompassing the planet for as long and you wish until the light of the bubble dims, them bring the bubble back in until it surrounds only you.

Hold your hands across your chest and give yourself a big hug. Say "I love you" and "Thank you" to yourself, either out loud or silently. Enjoy this hug for a few moments, then open your eyes.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

External Links Page

The Let Go Letter
Getting past blocks in your life means forgiving and letting go of the past.

Oprah's The Secret Behind The Secret
Oprah talks to Louise Hay and other guests and introduces her free online class with Eckhart Tolle. There are 5 parts so make sure you watch them all.

Introduction to Kundalini Yoga free online classes
Access Kundalini energy the safe way.