Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Heal with Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese technique used to help reduce stress and heal. A practitioner places his or her hands on the client in various positions while acting as a conduit to allow in healing energy. The practitioner does not need to know what may or may not be wrong with the client, since the energy knows where to go.

The word Reiki comes from the two words– Rei, meaning Higher Power and Ki, meaning life force energy (the same as Chi). A Reiki session is very soothing and relaxing, for both the practitioner and the client. Reiki is not associated with any religion and does not require that the client believe in it, just that they sit quietly and be open to healing. Anyone can become a Reiki practioner with the proper training. Once you have received the training, you can use Reiki on yourself and others. Reiki training used to involve expensive classes and attunements given directly by a Reiki Master. Now you can learn Reiki at home for a fraction of the price with the Reiki Home Study Courses offered by Reiki Master/Teacher Dave Watson. Click Here to visit the site and find out more.

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